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Links and Resources for Businesses

Stickman Welding Inc. takes no responsibility for any information below. This is provided as information only.

Canadian Welding Bureau is to serve industry through the administration of certification programs related primarily but not exclusively to the Canadian fabricating, manufacturing, maintenance and construction sectors of industry.

American Galvanizers Association (AGA) is a non-profit trade association dedicated to serving the needs of after-fabrication galvanizers, fabricators, architects, specifiers, and engineers.

Lincoln Electric Lincoln offers you the highest quality, most innovative welding and cutting machines.

The Businss Link If you're starting or expanding a business and looking for direction, you can't afford to miss these great sessions designed to save you time and money.

Workers Compensation Board The WCB-Alberta, working together with our partners, will significantly and measurably reduce the impact of workplace illness and injury on Albertans.

Alberta Construction Association contractors and suppliers unite to achieve collectively goals that would be impossible for an individual.

Strategis Canada This Web site, organized by topic and province, provides reliable information on market research, business name and structure, preparing a business plan, financing, taxation, hiring employees, doing business on the Internet and much more!

Alberta Infrastructure is responsible for providing capital funds for all Alberta's infrastructure. 

CSA Group is an independent, not-for-profit member-based association dedicated to advancing safety

APEGA is the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) regulates the practices of engineering and geoscience in Alberta.


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Fabricating Solutions
403-692-9353 (Weld)


Office: 4634C 6A Street NE, Calgary, Alberta T2E 4B5
Last modified January 17, 2021 Copyright © STICKMAN WELDING INC.™